- API 接口
- annotation_filters
- annotations
- apps
- bulk_operations
- {id}
- List all the bulk operations
- delete one or more terminated bulk operations
- Perform bulk operations on a list of inputs based on input source. Operation include add, update, delete of concepts, metadata and geo data. This is an Asynchronous process. Use ListBulkOperations or GetBulkOperation to check the status.
- Cancel one or more bulk operations
- collectors
- {collectorId}
- List all the collectors.
- Delete multiple collectors in one request. This call is asynchronous. Use DeleteCollector if you want a synchronous version.
- Add a list of Collectors to an app. In the handler of this endpoint we also check for all the scopes of the POST /inputs endpoint. Those current scopes are listed here as a hard requirement. They are needed when adding the collectors just so we now that
- Patch one or more collectors.
- concepts
- datasets
- inputs
- {datasetId}
- inputs
- {inputId}
- List all the dataset inputs in a dataset.
- Delete one or more dataset inputs in a single request.
- Add dataset inputs to a dataset. The process is not atomic, i.e. if there are errors with some dataset inputs, others might still be added. The response reports - SUCCESS if all dataset inputs were added, - MIXED_STATUS if only some dataset inputs wer
- versions
- Get a specific dataset.
- inputs
- List all the datasets.
- Delete one or more datasets in a single request.
- Add datasets to an app. The process is atomic, i.e. either all or no datasets are added. If there is an error for one dataset, the process will stop, revert the transaction and return the error.
- Patch one or more datasets. The process is atomic, i.e. either all or no datasets are patched. If there is an error for one dataset, the process will stop, revert the transaction and return the error.
- evaluations
- inputs
- label_orders
- models
- searches
- types
- {modelId}
- check_consents
- inputs
- languages
- output_info
- outputs
- publish
- references
- toolkits
- unpublish
- usecases
- versions
- Get a specific model from an app.
- Delete a single model.
- List all the models.
- Delete multiple models in one request.
- Add a models to an app.
- Patch one or more models.
- modules
- my_scopes
- myscopes
- myscopesroot
- open_source_licenses
- resource_counts
- searches
- stats
- status_codes
- tasks
- trending_metrics
- uploads
- users
- {userAppId.userId}
- apps
- ids
- searches
- {userAppId.appId}
- annotation_filters
- annotations
- bulk_operations
- {id}
- List all the bulk operations
- delete one or more terminated bulk operations
- Perform bulk operations on a list of inputs based on input source. Operation include add, update, delete of concepts, metadata and geo data. This is an Asynchronous process. Use ListBulkOperations or GetBulkOperation to check the status.
- Cancel one or more bulk operations
- collaborators
- collectors
- {collectorId}
- List all the collectors.
- Delete multiple collectors in one request. This call is asynchronous. Use DeleteCollector if you want a synchronous version.
- Add a list of Collectors to an app. In the handler of this endpoint we also check for all the scopes of the POST /inputs endpoint. Those current scopes are listed here as a hard requirement. They are needed when adding the collectors just so we now that
- Patch one or more collectors.
- concepts
- knowledge_graphs
- mappings
- relations
- searches
- status
- {conceptId}
- languages
- relations
- List concept relations between concepts in the platform. MUST be above ListConcepts so that if concept_id is empty this will still match /concepts/relations to list all the concept relations in the app.
- Post concept relations to create relations between concepts in the platform.
- Post concept relations to create relations between concepts in the platform.
- Get a specific concept from an app.
- List all the concepts.
- Add a concept to an app.
- Patch one or more concepts.
- datasets
- inputs
- {datasetId}
- inputs
- {inputId}
- List all the dataset inputs in a dataset.
- Delete one or more dataset inputs in a single request.
- Add dataset inputs to a dataset. The process is not atomic, i.e. if there are errors with some dataset inputs, others might still be added. The response reports - SUCCESS if all dataset inputs were added, - MIXED_STATUS if only some dataset inputs wer
- versions
- Get a specific dataset.
- inputs
- List all the datasets.
- Delete one or more datasets in a single request.
- Add datasets to an app. The process is atomic, i.e. either all or no datasets are added. If there is an error for one dataset, the process will stop, revert the transaction and return the error.
- Patch one or more datasets. The process is atomic, i.e. either all or no datasets are patched. If there is an error for one dataset, the process will stop, revert the transaction and return the error.
- duplications
- evaluations
- inputs
- installed_module_versions
- {installedModuleVersionId}
- List installed modules vesrions for an app.
- Uninstall an installed module version which will deploy the specific ModuleVersion to the app in the url. This cleaned up any associated caller keys so needs the Keys_Delete scope.
- Install a new module version which will deploy the specific ModuleVersion to the app in the url.
- keys
- label_orders
- models
- ids
- searches
- types
- {modelId}
- check_consents
- concepts
- inputs
- languages
- output_info
- outputs
- publish
- references
- toolkits
- unpublish
- usecases
- versions
- Get a specific model from an app.
- Delete a single model.
- List all the models.
- Delete multiple models in one request.
- Add a models to an app.
- Patch one or more models.
- modules
- myscopes
- resource_counts
- searches
- stats
- task
- tasks
- trending_metrics
- uploads
- workflows
- Get a specific app from an app.
- Search over the apps to find one or more you're looking for. This leverage the "body" parameter because we also have page and per_page as url query param variables in this request.
- Patch one app.
- List all the apps.
- Add a app to an app. This needs to load the default workflow to make a copy, validating all the models in it, and then writing the new workflow back to this new app.
- Patch one or more apps.
- collaborations
- datasets
- duplications
- evaluations
- keys
- models
- modules
- myscopes
- runners
- scopes
- validate_password
- workflows
- Get user information
- apps
- {userAppId.userId}
- validate_password
- workflows
Clarifai API 基础知识
。修改于 2023-12-11 06:58:14